Coordinating the activities of the Lucayan Family of Conpanies
Back-up offices for Business Continuity Units
New shared space for disaster recovery solution. 20 workstations, combined with private servers cabinet within the data centre
Bahamas Logistic provides storage and manages the inventory of large scale big international companies operating in Nassau and the Family Islands.
Smart Power |100% environmental friendly solution
SmartPower promoted the only "GREEN" solution to solve the drammatic issues of the increasing quantity of Solid Urban Waste accumulated every day in New Providence.
Since 2004 New Providence SmartPower performed instense fesibility studies and officially sumbited its proposal for a project financed $200 millions waste-to-energy facility.
The proposal is based on operating experience of existing plants with the same capacity and technology realised by the same consortium of companies.
Thanks to the CFB boiler technology SmartPower can supply wthe grid with 20Mwatt of clean energy. This means about 20% of the consumption of Nassau during base demand period.
Human Resources
As the Lucayan Group considers the human resources aspect the key of its success, it encourages new applications to be submitted. Bahamian employees are welcome to strength the work force. Experience, motivation and solid work ethic are mandatorily, along with the desire to grow professionally in a highly diversified working environment.